Her Name is Mikaela Conley: In 94% White Maine, White Girl Raped/Murdered by Black “Best Friend” (One of Only 18 Murders in State in 2018), by Paul Kersey – The Unz Review


PK NOTE: Their Lives Matter Too is now available in paperback (this book tells the story of the shocking number of black-on-white murders in the USA over the past 10 years). If you’d like a signed copy, send us an email at BecauseWeLiveHere@protonmail.com. It’s available in digital download as well! Also, check out “The Patriot”/Betsy Ross ‘Because We Live Here‘ merchandise to support SBPDL! Based on the iconic image of Mel Gibson hoisting up the Betsy Ross in the phenomenal movie “The Patriot,” the shirts, coffee mug and other items are the perfect way to discreetly tell the world you understand the importance of the phrase, “Because We Live Here.”

The state of Maine is one of safest in the union, and happens to be 94 percent white. In 2018, out of a population of 1.3 million people, there were only 18 homicides in the entire state. [Half of Maine’s 18 homicides in 2018 were related to domestic violence, Bangor Daily News, January 3, 2019]