Fox Baltimore Profiles White Family Who Fled 70% Black City Because of Being Attacked by Black Squeegee Boys the Local Government Refuses to Prosecute, by Paul Kersey


Imagine a city dominated by black elected officials, who in 2015 turned over control of the city to rioting blacks.

No need to engage in flights of fantasy, you only have to consider the present reality of Baltimore. We already know the prior black mayor of 70 percent black Baltimore (who resigned in disgrace earlier this year) wanted to create “squeegee boys” as a way to stop out-of-control youth black violence.

Now, we know the consequences of black rule in Baltimore, where the franchise has enabled the horrors Robert Heinlein predicted in Starship Troopers (brush up on your History and Moral Philosophy) to ultimately end democracy in the west. And one white family has finally decided to leave Baltimore because of the lawlessness the black dominated government of Baltimore tolerate. [‘SQUEEGEE KID’ CONCERNS | Couple leaves Baltimore for Lancaster after attack, Fox Baltimore, September 17, 2019]: