Blacks Keep Attacking and Killing Random White and Jewish People, but the Media Ignores Because Attackers are Not White or Right Wing


The silence from the mainstream media on attacks that are becoming more and more prevalent all across America is quite deafening.  According to a recent report by the Bureau of Justice, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations between blacks and whites last year. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed less than 10 percent. Attacks on whites by blacks is not a new phenomenon, the Bureau of Justice data mentioned  from last year is consistent with recent years, so why haven’t we heard anything from our beloved media talking heads about these attacks?

Since 2012 there have been approximately 500,000 black on white interracial violent crimes including rape. But the media has somehow successfully gaslit White Americans into believing that the opposite is happening, and that they are the ones that need to work on ‘racial healing.’