Attacks on Jews by Blacks in New York City SKYROCKET, and the Media Ignores Because it Doesn’t Fit Their Anti-White Narrative – The Red Elephants


I guess it would be appropriate to start this off with an opening similar to to the recent cringe-worthy Netflix documentary entitled ‘Dear White People.’

It would be appropriate because it is obvious who is truly under attack in America, and I believe the white people as Netflix would refer to us as, are starting to realize this.

So… Dear white people, it’s time to start admitting what we are seeing.

Outside of the interracial violent crime rates that are actually heavy to only one side even though the media loves to vilify white people in America, the hate crime reporting lately has been absolutely astonishingly statistically false and sensationalized as well to put it lightly.

The way the media reports on hate crimes, which stories they choose to bury or choose to signal boost, is yet another way they indirectly attack white Americans.  I believe it is important that this is widely known.

The avoidance by the media of reporting on the hundreds of attacks on Jews in New York City by blacks is part of this attack strategy by the media.  Before we get into those stories however, I do want to highlight the true hate crime per 100,000 statistics by race that these pundits refuse to let you know about.