Arizona Dad: Mexican Cartel Executed My Son


A still greiving father, Steve Ronnebeck, shared with Breitbart Texas on Wednesday that a Mexican cartel “executed my son.” Ronnebeck’s son was killed by an illegal alien, self-proclaimed Sinaloa cartel member. The criminal alien is now facing charges for shooting Grant Ronnebeck during the 21-year-old’s overnight shift at the Mesa, Arizona, QT convenience store.

“A man came in and wanted to buy cigarettes, dumped some change out on the counter and Grant wasn’t counting the change fast enough. The man pulled a gun, Grant offered up the cigarettes and the man executed him, shooting him in the face. Stepped over his body, grabbed two more packs of cigarettes and fled,” Ronnebeck said describing the incident that left Grant dead.

The interview with Mr. Ronnebeck came immediately following his addressing a room full of law enforcement at the Southwest Border Sheriff’s Conference in Sierra Vista, Arizona.